Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What Do You Think?

I know this happened many years ago and it still happens today, like right NOW! Whale-fishing! Like what is up what people and fishing for whales-like that is just so not right. Isn't the whale put on this ever-changing Earth for a reason? It wasn't put in the massive oceans to be eaten, now was it? Without whales where would we be today and tomorrow and forever.I know in some ways the whales are dangerous and can harm us very badly but that doesn't mean we can kill and eat it, now does it? In some countries the way the whales are used are so ridiculous that it is just so over-whelming. For instance one part of the continent Asia, sells whale meat while you can watch the "alive" whales perform right in front of your face. Now isn't that just crazy and out of this world actually out of this universe! We have to ban whale fishing because our future generations will not ever know what a whale let alone what it may look like!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Whale Facts!

These are some whale facts about different kinds of whales:
The whale has such a big tail you wouldn't be-able to fit it in your bedroom.
Humpback whales have a big pleated throat with baleen plates to filter their food.
With long outstretched flippers it lifts it self out of the water into the air.
More than three thousand and five hundred have been identified by photos of their tails and flukes.
They travel thousands of kilometres each year from the sub-tropical to the Antarctica.
Whales spend most of their time alone or with their calf meeting in groups of 15 individuals in feeding and mating areas.

Whale Games!

These are some whale games you guys and girls can go on & also some are boring but other might be fun:

Well that's the two but I will put more games on later!



Monday, August 10, 2009


Welcome and Hello to all:
Welcome to the Help the Whales Blog. This blog will talk all about whales and all about animals & tips on saving them from the people that hunt them!

ere in this blog I hope everyone can learn something and hopefully that people can change a bit by doing the right things.
Thank you all

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